Graduate Name: Sarah Neace
Alumni Placement:
Dissertation Title: Brazil’s Cosmic War: Apocalypticism, Cosmology, and Exorcism in the Pentecostal Holy War on Candomblé and Umbanda
Chair of Dissertation Committee: Allison Coudert
Year of Graduation: 2024

Graduate Name: Benjamin Steele-Fisher
Alumni Placement: Lecturer in Jewish Studies, San Francisco State University
Dissertation Title: The Critique of Myth in German-Jewish Thought
Chair of Dissertation Committee: David Biale
Year of Graduation: 2024

Graduate Name: Walker Rhea (MA)
Alumni Placement: University of Chicago Divinity School in the History of Religions
Year of Graduation: 2024

Graduate Name: Aron Tillema
Alumni Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor, Santa Clara University
Dissertation Title: Upside-Down Prophecy: Reflexivity and the Book of Jonah
Chair of Dissertation Committee: Seth Sanders
Year of Graduation: 2023

Graduate Name: Aaron French
Alumni Placement: Religious Studies Department at the University of Erfurt, Germany.
Dissertation Title: Disenchanting and Re-Enchanting German Modernity with Max Weber and Rudolf Steiner
Chair of Dissertation Committee: Allison Coudert
Year of Graduation: 2021
Aaron French is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Erfurt and teaching in the religious studies Masters program there. His present position is part of a research project about designing and thematizing still or silent spaces in an urbanized environment: https://holyspace.hypotheses.org/
Prior to this, he was working as a postdoctoral researcher for the DFG-funded Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies 'Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations' research group based at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at Erfurt University, where his main task was to help organize a conference on the theme of co-temporalities. He is in the process of editing a book related to spatiality and modernity, to be published by De Gruyter later this year: https://www.degruyter.com/document/isbn/9783111061382/html?lang=de. His first monograph, Max Weber, Rudolf Steiner, and Modern Western Esotericism, will also be published by Routledge in 2024

Graduate Name: D. Joey Torres
Alumni Placement: Vice President, Strategic Programs and Delivery for Sandy Hook Promise.
Deputy Director of Social Equity and Innovation for the City of Denver, Colorado. [Prior Position]
Dissertation Title: Seated on the Great White Throne: Examining the Legacies of Whiteness in Progressive Evangelical Christian Perspectives
Chair of Dissertation Committee: Flagg Miller
Year of Graduation: 2021
D.J. Torres is Vice President, Strategic Programs and Delivery for Sandy Hook Promise. Prior to this position, he worked as the Deputy Director of Social Equity and Innovation for the City of Denver.

Graduate Name: Caillouet Thorman
Alumni Placement: Research Development Specialist (Writer/Editor III), Interdisciplinary Research Support, Office of Research, University of California, Davis
Dissertation Title: Divine Women: Worship of Female Rulers and the Survival of Indigenous Tradition in Hellenistic Ruler Cult
Chair of Dissertation Committee: Lynn Roller
Year of Graduation: 2021
As Research Development Specialist, Cai provides proposal review services for individual investigator grants, especially in the humanities and social sciences, and for early career faculty in the sciences. She also supports seasoned investigators who are preparing grants to agencies new to them or who are writing strategically important or complex proposals.

Graduate Name; Christopher Miller
Alumni Placement:
Vice President of Academic Affairs at Arihanta Institute
Dissertation Title: Embodying Transnational Yoga
Chair of Dissertation Committee: Smiriti Srinivas
Year of Graduation: 2018
Chris Miller is currently Vice President of Academic Affairs at Arihanta Institute, which he also co-founded. He also holds a Visiting Professor appointment at Claremont College of Theology and Visiting Researcher at University of Zürich’s Asien-Orient-Institut. Prior to this, he held the Bhagwan Mallinath Chair in Jain Studies at Loyola Marymount University. He is the author of Embodying Transnational Yoga: Eating, Singing, and Breathing in Transformation (Routledge, Oct 2023).