Position Title
Professor Emerita of Art History; Faculty Associate of Classics
Affiliated faculty of the Study of Religion Graduate Program
Education and Degree(s):
- Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
- BA & MA, Bryn Mawr College
Research Interest(s):
- Religious practices of ancient Anatolia, Greece, and Rome and the Roman Empire
Course(s) Taught:
- Greek, Roman, and Near Eastern Art History
- Greek Sanctuaries
- Greek and Roman Cult Practices
Selected Publications:
Book: In Search of God the Mother: the Cult of Anatolian Kybele (University of California Press, 1999).
“Gluhite Kamani: old questions and new approaches,” with G. Nekhrizov, M. Vassileva, J. Tzvetkova, and N. Kecheva, Thracia20 (2012) pp. 215-233.
Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 39 (2012) pp. 221-251.
“Phrygian and the Phrygians,” in Sharon Steadman and Gregory Mc Mahon, eds., Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia. (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011) Chapter 25, pp. 560-578.
“Religions of Greece and Asia Minor,” in M. Salzman, ed., Cambridge History of Ancient Religions (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).
“The Sacred Landscapes of Matar: Continuity and Change from the Iron Age through the Roman period,” in Sacred Landscapes in Anatolia and Neighboring Regions, ed. C. Gates, J. Morin, and T. Zimmermann. British Archaeological Reports International Series 2034 (Oxford 2009) pp. 1-10.
“Goddess Myths,” Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History, ed. Bonnie Smith (Oxford 2008), vol. 2, pp. 24-28.
“Phrygian Religion and Cult Practice,” Friglerin Gizemli Uygarlığı(The Mysterious Civilization of the Phrygians), ed. H. Sivas and T. T. Sivas (Istanbul 2007) pp. 141-147.
“The Priests of the Mother – Gender and Place,” Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003. Common Ground: Archaeology, Art, Science, and Humanities, ed. Carol C. Mattusch, A. A. Donohue, and Amy Brauer. (Oxbow Books, Oxford 2006) pp. 52-55.
Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd edition, ed. Lindsay Jones (Macmillan: Detroit 2005). Entry on: “Cybele,”, vol. 3, pp. 2108-2111.
Holy People of the Word: A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia, ed. P. Jestice (ABC-Clio, Santa Barbara, CA, 2004). Entries on:
“Mediterranean Religions of Antiquity and Holy People” pp. 569-573.
“Aiakos and Aias” p. 26.
“Aias son of Oileus” pp. 26-27.
“The Mother Goddess between Thrace and Phrygia,” Thracia 15 (Sofia 2003) 161-167.
“The Anatolian Cult of Sabazios,” Ancient Journeys: A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Numa Lane, http://www.stoa.org/lane/ (2002).
“The Phrygian Mother Goddess and her Thracian Connections,” Thrace and the Aegean. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Thracology, ed. A. Fol (Sofia 2002) pp. 683-694.
"The Ideology of the Eunuch Priest," Gender and History 9 (1997) pp. 542-559; republished in Gender and the Body in the Ancient Mediterranean, ed. Maria Wyke (Oxford: Blackwells, 1998) pp. 118-135.
"Reflections on the Mother of the Gods in Attic Tragedy," Cybele, Attis, and Related Cults. Essays in Memory of M. J. Vermaseren, ed. E. N. Lane (Leiden 1996): pp. 305-322.
Teaching Experience:
University of California, Davis, 1977-present
Current Projects:
I am currently working on a book for Cambridge University Press entitled The Archaeology of Greek and Roman Cult. I am also the Co-Director of an archaeological field project in eastern Bulgaria at the site of Gloukhite Kamani.
Honors and Awards:
- American Philosophical Society Grant
- American Council of Learned Societies Grant
- National Endowment for the Humanities Senior Faculty Fellowship
- Residental Scholar, National Humanities Center
- Visiting Scholar, Wolfson College, Oxford
- Wiseman Award for Outstanding Publication, Archaeological Institute of America
- Loeb Classical Foundation Fellowship
- Research Grant, Intercollaborative Project on Gloukhite Kamani, America for Bulgaria Foundation