2024-25 DHI Working Groups: Calls for Proposals

2024-25 DHI Working Groups: Calls for Proposals

The UC Davis Humanities Institute is offering Working Group (formerly Reading and Writing Groups) funding for graduate students in the humanities, arts, and humanistic social sciences who are interested in forming groups for reading, writing, and research collaborations. Groups may apply for up to $500 to support their activities.

The funds may be used to defray the costs of materials or refreshments associated with workshops or regular group meetings. DHI funds for the groups will be sent to organizers’ departments or programs.

As was the case last year, this program is open to graduate students only. However, faculty may be included in the proposed activities.


Proposal Content.

In a single PDF, please include the following information:

1. Project description:

  • A brief narrative (500 words maximum) describing the purpose of the group and its proposed activities and outcomes.
  • Please also include a list of participants and their respective departments or affiliations.

2. Budget

  • Please provide a line-by-line breakdown of anticipated expenses.
  • A budget narrative is optional.


Reporting Requirement.

A one to two paragraph report on the Working Group’s year-long activities should be emailed to dhi@ucdavis.edu by Friday, May 30th, 2025. If a report is not submitted by that time, you may not be eligible for future funding from the DHI.


Proposal Submission.

Your PDF proposal should be emailed to dhi@ucdavis.edu by Wednesday, November 6th, at 5:00 pm. Please put “2024-25 DHI Working Groups” in the email header.

The DHI will attempt to fund all the groups, but please note that funding for this program is limited. If selective funding becomes necessary, the following may be factored into selection:

  • The Working Group has not recently received funding from the DHI
  • The Working Group consists of graduate students (and faculty as the case may be) from a number of programs and departments, with the aims of interdisciplinary work
  • The Working Group addresses topics and/or perspectives that have been traditionally under-represented and/or under-served.

Please contact dhi@ucdavis.edu with any questions.