Commitment to Diversity

What would the study of religion be without a diversity of ideas, cultures, and backgrounds? We welcome graduate student applicants who can bring perspectives and experiences that have not often received attention in higher education. Such training strengthens and enriches our research, scholarship, and teaching. A diverse graduate student population also enhances the academic experience for all students.

We are committed to a multicultural academic environment that supports the success of all graduate students. Diversity among students, faculty, and staff is an integral factor in graduate education at UC Davis, to achieve an equitable, hospitable, and inclusive educational environment. 

The graduate community at UC Davis values a diversity of viewpoints, backgrounds, and experiences among its students with the knowledge that a diverse student body strengthens the research, scholarship, and teaching of all members of our community. As a part of our commitment to diversity there are numerous resources, events, and professional staff positioned to meet the needs of our diverse graduate students as they achieve their professional, educational, and career goals. Please feel free to contact Dr. Josephine Moreno at, UC Davis’ Graduate Diversity Officer for Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education, with any questions or concerns regarding diversity in Graduate Studies. For the latest on Grad Diversity initiatives please visit our homepage at
